Acabo de terminar de leerlo y me ha parecido sensacional. Analiza su personalidad y todo lo que está haciendo para fomentar la conciliación entre la vida profesional y la familiar en las organizaciones a lo largo de todo el mundo.
Nuria es una profesora, consultora, emprendedora y madre de familia que despliega una actividad enorme y al mismo tiempo, como dice el caso, sabe dedicar tiempo a las personas y cuando está con alguien le dedica el cien por cien de atención. Doy fe de ello. ¡Felicidades Nuria!
The prestigious Stanford Business School has published a case of IESE Professor Nuria Chinchilla entitled "Nuria Chinchilla: The Power to Change Workplaces" You can see a summary here. To buy it here. I just finished reading it and I felt great. Analyzes her personality and everything that she has done to promote reconciliation between work and family life in organizations throughout the world. Nuria is a lecturer, consultant, entrepreneur and mother to a huge display at the same time, as the case say, known to spend time with people and she puts one hundred percent attention o them. I can vouch for this. Nuria Congratulations!